Farmers Market

Coney Island Hospital’s Farmers Market kicks off the season with fresh, local foods available every Wednesday and Friday for purchase! The Ocean Parkway Farmers Market in front of Coney Island Hospital is back with fresh produce, baked goods and other yummy foods made or grown at local farms. The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation and Coney Island Hospital have been hosting the farmers market since 2010. Take advantage of all the late Summer and early Fall crops that are abundant. Whether it is apples, tomatoes, herbs or fresh breads, you can find it here.
This is the only farmers market in the Brighton Beach area. You can find organic, regionally-grown veggies, fruits, juices and flowers, as well as baked goods. The farmers market has partnered with Harvest Home, which has a list on their website of the over 60 products available there.
The hospital hopes the farmers market will encourage the community to eat local, organic foods and stay healthy. Throughout the season, there will be on-site cooking and nutrition demos, information on healthy recipe and eating tips, as well as materials that explain how fruits and vegetables can help prevent or control obesity and chronic disease. Participate in these wonderful bonuses and you will see how great farm fresh fruit and veggies can be!